48" x 72" x 40", 18lbs, paper fibre, rigid board, fur, paint.
55" square, 10lbs, paper fibre, paint.
Life-sized, 8lbs, paper fibre, rigid board, paint.
Life-sized, paper fibre, 7lbs. Sits or hangs on wall with metal mounts.
18" x 24", 2lbs, wood bison vertabrae and partial moose tibia, muskrat foreleg, paper fibre, metal strand, acrylic paint, metalics
Underside of wings.
42", 3lbs, paper fibre, partial equine skull
46", 7lbs, partial moose skull, paper fibre
30", 3lbs, paper fibre, wood bison jawbone, musk ox hair, acrylic paint, metallics
12", 8 ounces, rigid foam, slate, bronze metal rod, acrylic and metallic paint
12", 4 ounces, rigid foam, acrylic and metallic paint
10" 4 ounces, rigid foam, acrylic and metallic paint, height
10", 4 ounces, rigid foam, acrylic and metallic paint, height
7", 4 ounces, rigid foam,acrylic and metallic paint
20", 6 ounces, rigid foam, acrylic and metallic paint